Affiliate marketing works just like any other strategy out there. Like all things, it requires attention and traffic. If no one is seeing a product, no one can buy it. It seems like obvious knowledge but you had be surprised how many people do not understand that.
That is just one tip, but there are several ways to generate a solid amount of traffic to your landing page or squeeze site. Some are second nature and others are a little more subtle, depending on what you want to do. Below, we’ll take a look at the top 7 ways to grab traffic and increase it throughout the following days.
What is Traffic?
Traffic, simply put, is the flow of data around the Internet. There is no real way to measure all kinds of traffic, but when you’re running a website or affiliate marketing, you can gauge those levels on your own. You can also take a deeper look at the kinds of traffic you are getting, where it originates and if it’s increasing.
These are excellent ways to stay on top of your traffic and its importance, keeping you on top of the money you will be earning. Consider that not all traffic is the same once you understand that, you will be ready to begin monitoring and funneling it in the correct ways.
Sources Of Traffic
Traffic doesn’t always come from the same place. Sometimes, it originates indirectly, usually from a linking site or web page and sometimes you can generate web traffic on the technical way, such as traffic generation tools as like Social Lead Freak is a powerful social media lead generation software or Auto Mass Traffic generation software or viral traffic generator supplied by Trafficomnibus or viral video monetizer.
Some of the web traffic comes from file sharing and another portion comes from streaming. If you are hosting manuals or information packets on your product, you want to know if that is the thing being accessed.
Fortunately, most tools offer ways to monitor this kind of activity. Knowing the source of web traffic can spell better understanding of your target audience, resulting in success.
1. Generating Great Content for web traffic
There are loads of ways to do this, but some of it falls down to the timing of your posting. For example, having it keyword based and high frequency, will be much effective than posting sporadically throughout the months.
Readers will know right away that you mean business with high quality articles and reviews for your affiliation and it is a great way to get them hooked. Also note that the body and titles are extremely important as well; having a great headline and title is the difference between good content and great content. Only a good content can ensure a powerful source of web traffic.
Consider outsourcing if you feel you cannot post them on your own. You could hire freelance writers to pick up the responsibility here and usually, most of them are particularly cheap.
Also make sure the theme for your landing page and blog is gorgeous; an ugly theme will drive potential customers and affiliate market buyers away from your site, leaving you in the dust.
You can even set up a way to be alerted when new subject matter is presented on the product you’re selling. Combining these techniques with good keywords, tags and linking, means you’ll be getting a large amount of web traffic, which will translate to more sales and higher revenue earnings.
2. Social Networking for web traffic
This is about one of the most important things you can do and utilize in the modern world and, well, anywhere. Social media and networking offer, an unprecedented about of leads and possibilities that simply didn’t exist before.
The biggest things you can do are build your friends, connections and followers. You’re going to want to make this one of your top priorities as well, assuring you’re getting the best results for affiliate marketing strategy
It will also offer the ability to use multiple operating systems as well, given most social media and networking are going to be web based only.
There are a lot of places to choose from, as well. Don’t just stop with Facebook; consider LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and more. Don’t forget about Google+ either, which has steadily been rising in popularity for the past year.
These tools will provide you an easy way to look into the world of affiliate marketing and your product’s needs. A lot of them also offer communities that meet and join over an idea or interest. If your product is something that fits well with that said interest, it’d be a good way to advertise it and find new web traffic and new leads.
Reddit is another good website to do your affiliate marketing on, it can generate huge powerful web traffic and leads; you can upvote and comment on just about everything, which you should be doing anyway. Don’t just do this for Reddit, but do it for other places as well, like Facebook, Google+, Youtube, Twitter and more.
Being involved with the community gives you an edge over people who are not. It will also establish something called social karma, which will dictate whether your reputation is good or bad for the most part. Don’t skimp out here!
3. Paid Advertising for web traffic
Advertising is important. It is so important; it is got its own field of education and career across the nation. Note that without advertising, there is no way to spread awareness of a product you are attempting to use in affiliate marketing.
The sites mentioned earlier all have ways to do paid product placement, especially things like YouTube and Facebook.
When you spend enough time researching a target audience, you can then apply that knowledge to a well-crafted advertisement and ship it out to Facebook for a small charge. Usually, it is a paid thing done daily, but sometimes you can choose different options as well for web traffic.
A paid advertisement will also put your results and information a lot higher on the list than others. Google offers the ability to place ads before a search, which anyone can do as long as you have the money and time set aside for it. There are other places as well to use this, including smaller websites that aren’t as large.
A guitar website, for example, would probably allow paid advertising from you if the product was in some way related to musical instruments. It is a great choice for targeted web traffic and an easy way to step into the field of marketing as well.
In the Paid traffic, you can bring a variation in your mind such as PPC traffic, PPV, Media buy, CPBR, SOLO etc. PPV campaign is very easy and cheap. It can provide tons of web traffic from the low cost.
4. Forum Posting for targeted web traffic
This one was mentioned earlier but we’ll go more into detail here. Forums are gold mine for targeted web traffic so of leads and possible sales, so it is a great idea to combine the social networking platform with forums. The compounded interaction between the two will serve as a much better solution than the two being used on their own.
A lot of forums also offer signatures, which would be a good time to post some information in a link. At the foot of your post, a signature will always be present, so you can count on people seeing it regularly.
The social karma concept applies here as well, meaning the more you post, the more web traffic, the more you are seen.
Forum posting also allows for higher click-through and even forges new friendships and partnerships. It is a good way to market specifically for a niche. Even better, a lot of the posts will always be completely organic and natural, not generated by bots.
Be careful, however; you do not want to come off as spam yourself, which will likely get you banned. Access to these sites and forums is what will make or break your affiliate marketing plans, so make sure to abide by the rules and heading posting warnings. The more you careful, the more you get great web traffic.
5. Blog Commenting for web traffic
Blog commenting is one that often gets overlooked, but it is a great way to expand your audience and find new web traffic and more leads. Blogs are around everywhere; too, so it is not exactly something you will struggle to look for.
Search carefully for someone writing a blog on something related to your product and then check the comments for each post. Commenting on these posts is useful and will allow you to build links and networks for your overall strategy.
Do not forget to also comment on comments provided by other users. Engaging other readers is crucial for spreading your brand’s name around the web.
Another thing you can do is make friends with the blog writers as well, which usually goes the distance in terms of long-term reliability. There are a lot of platforms for blogging as well such as WordPress or Blogger.
Both of them are good options and have their own advantage and disadvantages, but they will still integrate with what you are trying to do. Blog commenting does require a lot of time and effort, but the payoff is definitely worth it.
6. Multimedia based web traffic
Media and graphics are going to play a big role in your affiliate marketing campaign. Without them, you do not have a visual aide for your audience and your returns can start looking a little lackluster.
Luckily, there are a ton of resources around the web to help you take advantage of graphics and other multimedia to get web traffic.
Pixabay, for example, is an excellent source of free stock photos that are public domain and open for anyone to use. It does not just end there; other sites offer video as well, like Flickr, as long as you specific that you need someone free for commercial use.
There are also sites dedicated to royalty-free audio that is free for everyone to use. A simple Google search tends to reveal these.
Do not forget to check out the InternetArchive as well. It hosts all kinds of media ranging from stock footage to entire albums and discographies. The media will also specify if it’s public domain or creative commons, so you won’t need to worry about hunting down details and legal matters because it’s all right there from the beginning.
You can also do infographics, which are very popular among users today. They explain exactly what’s going on in a graphical way, usually with pie charts or symbols.
Another tip that is often not even considered is transcribing a video or audio file is content. Not everyone can hear very well, so providing the option to read it goes a long way. Everyone is different, so it’s good to make sure your marketing campaign is viewable and readable to everyone, including those with a disability.
Podcasts are also a popular way to dredge up some more targeted web traffic so more leads, especially with their recently popularity. You can create these for iTunes and other places, such as SoundCloud, to spread word about the product you’re trying to sell.
7. E-Books for web traffic
E-books have revolutionized the way the world reads its novels and literature. Not too long ago, the only way to read a book was in paper format. With computers and digital technology that is changed to laptops and desktops and now there are dedicated e-book readers everywhere.
That means it is easier for people to read picks on the fly and the usually, the books are a lot cheaper in the electronic form. Consider creating an e-book to help raise awareness of an idea or marketing campaign on Kindle or Barnes and Noble’s websites.
Another good option is hosting it on your own website in multiple formats, such as PDF or EPUB.
It’s also important to give some things away for free. E-books are a great candidate for that because of their portability and compatibility across devices. Imagine having possible leads reading your book from a mobile device, a computer or an electronic book reader.
Also, because of the nature of electronic files, it’s much easier to share them than it has ever been, putting your campaign in a potential spot to spread like wildfire. You may want to double-check your book is attributes, though: make sure it is edited and formatted correctly and that the format is something compatible with devices on the market.
Affiliate marketing does not have to be hard or complex. With the technologies and software we have today, it can be easier than it ever has been. Combining the tips above into an effective regime is more than possible, especially if you want to huge targeted web traffic and compound your revenues as sales.
Make sure to do some searching around the web for additional ideas, too. In the game of affiliate marketing, it’s best to go in with as much ammunition as you possibly can, that ammunition being the modern world of the web and Internet.
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